Concept and Design
- Provide the Non-Farming community to have a Second Source of Income from Agriculture
- Professional Farming operation run by FORTUNE FARMS where YOU Own the Farmland
- Virtually Tax-Free Halal source of income
- FORTUNE FARMS will provide each customer approximately 20 acres of land and aggregate 10 such customers into one block of 200 acres, which a professional team of FORTUNE FARMS will manage.
- Each customer will have ownership of land with original documents and will provide the money to FORTUNE FARMS for land + working capital for his/her part of the land as per the prescribed schedule of payments
- FORTUNE FARMS will manage the land and farming and provide the returns based on agreed terms (please refer to Notes Section)
- Approximate cost of one 20 acres block with working capital is 36m PKR on a one-time basis. If need be, based on extensive inflation, the company may retain some cash for increased working capital requirements.
- The customer and their family can come every 90 days to the site for a farm visit where in they will have the opportunity see professional farming, access to farm animals (take one small animal as per agreed terms, have access to organic meat, milk, honey, eggs (mainly from Rhode Island Red species)
- Agreement will be based on a fixed term basis (renewable mutually) for the team to be able to manage and efficiently run the farm
- Farming district will be Lasbela Balochistan initially
- Target crops are Vegetables and or Field Crops like Cotton and Wheat
Site and Financials
- Initially Lasbela District of Balochistan, which is 45 mins drive from Karachi
- The area has been finalized after extensive research across Pakistan
- Proposed location in Lasbela will be between Uthal and Bela cities, which is fed from the Porali Basin. This is 2.5 hours from Karachi
- Farming landscape in the proposed location where Farmers are already engaged in the following
- Row Crop farming like Cotton and Corn, Field Crops like Wheat and Sesame, Vegetable Crops like Tomato, Gourds, Hot Peppers, Cucumber and many more
- Small Ruminants like Goat and Sheep, Large Ruminants like Buffalos and Cows including Camels
- Farming is to be done using SOLAR POWER and BORE Water connected to Drip Irrigation Systems for efficient Climate Smart Agriculture
- Total Cash Outlay per customer is 36m PKR or 3.6 crores, which covers the following, Cash Inflows start 9 months after first crop.

Detailed Financials

Notes and Disclaimers
- SHARE OF INPUTS / COSTS AND CROP on the basis as agreed with Hari (Sharecropper) described below. The Management and the Customer (Landowner) will share proportionately in the produce / profits after deduction of share of Hari
- USHER @ 5% of crop output as the water is based on Bore Water and be given in value to the Charity of your choice. The management team will give the same from their share and the owner from their share as well. Hari will not pay USHER as most are NON-MUSLIMS
- HARI – varies based on inputs sharing ratio. The Ratio varies from 20% to 50% based on agreed models and based on the quantum of land given to each Hari’s family to manage
- DISCLAIMER | Since crops are mainly dependent on weather conditions, the Management will make and share the most detailed plan for all adverse outcomes for the crop and associated elements (like Goats, Cows, Chicken, Eggs, and Honey) however all these elements are weather sensitive, and returns may vary from season to season. Crop Prices are drive by daily rates in the Karachi Subzi Mandi and thus will form the basis of returns.